A Life Beyond Amazing

Previously Recorded

Aired Sunday, February 9

A Life of Joy

Previously Recorded

Unlike the world’s perspective, where joy and happiness in life is correlated with possessions and prestige, the source and the secret to continual joy is found in Christ.

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A Life Beyond Amazing
A Life Beyond Amazing

A Life Beyond Amazing

9 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life

Dr. Jeremiah uncovers God's strategy for change and challenges you to make nine important decisions that will transform your heart, your life, and your world. Though life will be glorious in heaven, life on earth can be beyond amazing if we abide in Christ and live for Him!

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A Life Beyond Amazing Set
A Life Beyond Amazing Set


A Life Beyond Amazing Set

Dr. Jeremiah provides an in-depth look at each fruit of the Spirit. As you learn, you will gain wisdom for living a Spirit-filled life on earth and feel a renewed sense of purpose as you await Christ's return.

Request this life-transforming set now!

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12 Habits of Truly Happy Christians - a new resource from Dr. David Jeremiah


12 Habits of Truly Happy Christians

Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Are you growing spiritually and developing godly character in your personal life? We all long to be happy…and Jesus has the prescription for happiness we need.

This book is not just a guide, but a practical tool to help you prioritize what truly matters in your life. By adopting these habits, you can steer clear of distractions and find true joy and happiness in your relationship with the Lord.

As you delve daily into God’s Word and practice these habits, you will experience personal growth in your spiritual walk. Discover how to focus on the One who knows the beginning from the end amid the surrounding cares of this world.

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Where They Are, For Who They Are

Curious how Turning Point reaches millions of people every day in the digital world? Dive in and learn how your support is helping people find Jesus online through radio, television, and social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Discover the impact of short social media content, in-depth articles, digital products, and age-specific Bible teaching, all made possible through your generous partnership. You can also see testimonials from people whose lives have been touched by Turning Point's online ministry.

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Where They Are, For Who They Are

December 14, 2024 Share the Hope of Why the Nativity?

Reach the World Day is Coming!

Join us as we countdown the days until we usher in the hope of Christ this Christmas season with people worldwide, uniting our global community closer together in faith and love!

On December 14, 2024, Turning Point will host Reach the World Day, a global event featuring the docudrama Why the Nativity?. This impactful film will be in theaters in 20 U.S. cities and 30 countries, reaching people worldwide with the story of the birth of our Savior!

Join us as the excitement for this incredible outreach builds by helping us countdown the days as you:

  • Learn fascinating behind-the-scenes details about the making of Why the Nativity?.
  • Test your knowledge with daily trivia about the film.
  • Share the excitement with your friends and family.
  • Download resources to promote Reach the World Day
  • Pray for the success of this outreach.

Why the Nativity? has already touched the lives of over 300 million people worldwide. On December 14, let's join together to shine the light of Christ into even more hearts! Visit ReachTheWorldDay.org to learn more and get involved!

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Reach the World Day
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Immerse yourself in a unique and vibrant community where faith and friendship intertwine! Connect with a global family of believers, receive daily inspiration, and stay updated on Turning Point Ministries. But it's more than that—a space to share, connect, and engage with fellow Christians worldwide.

Together, we're on a mission to spread the joy and truth of God's Word. Join us today on Facebook and Instagram, where you can help us make a difference, and let your faith soar!

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Let Dr. Jeremiah be your experienced guide through the Bible

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Christian Legacy Planning Organizer

As believers, it's essential to plan for our future legacy to reflect our faith and values. Our free Christian Legacy Planning Organizer offers biblical insights and practical advice on how to allocate assets, manage finances, and make provisions for loved ones.

While long-term planning might feel daunting, it's a form of worship and trust in God. By creating a comprehensive estate plan aligned with our Christian beliefs, we can ensure a lasting impact on future generations. Take the first step today and download our guide to create a legacy that honors God and blesses loved ones.

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Christian Legacy Planning Organizer

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Join Turning Point for a Bible Conference Cruise


Join Turning Point for a Bible Conference Cruise

Our fast-paced world keeps us under constant pressure to perform, to work, to learn, to make something of ourselves. But it is in quiet moments with the Lord that we discover who He created us to be.

Turning Point’s Bible conference cruises are carefully planned to meet your physical and spiritual needs for relaxation and inspiration. Each vacation package features the Bible-strong teaching of David Jeremiah, soulful worship, Christian fellowship, and breathtaking vistas of God’s creation.

Experience the wonder that awaits! The beauty of Alaska and breathtaking views of Canada and New England will fill you with once-in-a-lifetime memories. Visit our travel page to learn more about our cruise packages.


Stay Connected to Turning Point

Our mission is to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world, and that has led us to take the Good News and the “Good Teaching” of Jesus Christ across the globe in every way we can think of!

This site is one of the best places to find inspirational Bible teaching from Dr. David Jeremiah, ministry news, and much more. But it's not the only way to stay connected to the ministry of Turning Point.

Discover the many places and ways you can connect to all the rich resources available through the ministry of Turning Point.

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Sleep on This: Evening Reflections From God's Word
Hardback Book
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Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven
Hardback Book
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The Great Disappearance
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Everything You Need
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Jeremiah Study Bible NKJV - Hardback
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Jeremiah Bible Study Series: Revelation
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Airship Genesis: Kids Study Bible Hardcover
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Discovery: Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible
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Large Print NKJV Black Luxe Jeremiah Study Bible
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Angels - Who They Are and How They Help
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Slaying the Giants
Softcover Book & Scripture Cards
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TurningPointPlus - The Things That Matter


The Things That Matter

Celebrate over four decades of Bible Strong teaching with TurningPoint+, your ultimate streaming destination for engaging and enlightening content. Immerse yourself in a vast library of audio and video resources featuring more than 1,400 teachings—readily available on your favorite devices.

Explore popular playlists such as "The Things That Matter." Humans with finite perspectives are often troubled by what the future may hold for ourselves and the world. The events of today's world can pull our attention away from what God has called us to do while we walk this earth. So, remove all distractions and discover what matters in our walk with Christ.

With a captivating array of teachings and soul-stirring messages, TurningPoint+ offers unparalleled access to timeless biblical insight. Unleash the power of Bible Strong teaching and venture into all the compelling series available when you start streaming TurningPoint+ today!

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Do You Know God...Really? - How to Become a Christian

Do You Know God...Really?

Become a Christian Today

We Want to Hear From You! - Share your story!

We Want to Hear From You!

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Where Relaxation Meets Inspiration - Travel With Turning Point

Where Relaxation Meets Inspiration

Vacation With Turning Point

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A Life Beyond Amazing

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