Turning Point Radio

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Dr. David Jeremiah


July 2024
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Pontius Pilate (Pt. 2)
People Who Met Jesus
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It's a world-changing question that Pontius Pilate asked the Jews: What should he do with Jesus. Now, Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us to answer the question for ourselves: What will we do with Jesus?
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Pontius Pilate (Pt. 1)
People Who Met Jesus
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You’re probably familiar with the name Pontius Pilate. But what else do we know about the man who allowed Jesus' execution? Dr. David Jeremiah paints a more detailed portrait.
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Nicodemus (Pt. 2)
People Who Met Jesus
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. Jesus said you need to be “born again.” In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explains what that means as he looks at a life-changing conversation.
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Nicodemus (Pt. 1)
People Who Met Jesus
Evidence-oriented people like to say, "I'll believe it when I see it." That view seems reasonable until we come to the new birth - that which we must have to enter the kingdom of God cannot be seen. Once taken by faith, however, its results are evident in many ways.
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I AM the True Vine (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
To be a Christian is to have a power within you in the person of Jesus Christ. This is what He means when He says, "I am the true vine." In this message, learn more about what it means for us to be "branches" that are connected to the True Vine.
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I AM the Resurrection and the Life
The I AM Statements of Jesus
If thinking about death makes you anxious or fearful, remember: Jesus calls Himself the resurrection and the life! In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on this important identification.
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I AM the True Vine (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Have you ever been discouraged about your faith? Has your pursuit to lead a faithful Christian life ever felt too complex to be possible? Follow along as Dr. David Jeremiah describes Jesus as the True Vine, the root of all fruitfulness and joy.
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I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
If you believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, how does it show in your life? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores John 14:6, and a central passage in the Scriptures that answers the question, is there only one way to God?
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I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Jesus says He is the only way to heaven, which some find encouraging and others find intolerant. How do you respond? Learn more about these two mindsets in this message from Dr. David Jeremiah.
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I AM the Resurrection and the Life (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Jesus resurrected Lazarus and showed His power over death. And He can use that same power for us when life seems hopeless. In fact, when we are looking for hope and help, there is only one place where the guarantee is absolute—and that place is Jesus.
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I AM the Resurrection and the Life (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
If thinking about death makes you anxious or fearful, remember: Jesus calls Himself the resurrection and the life! In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on this important identification.
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I AM the Door
The I AM Statements of Jesus
From the door of Noah's ark to the Passover door, the Bible places a lot of importance on doors, doorways, and gates. And perhaps the most important reference is to Jesus Himself, when He says "I am the door." Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he takes a closer look at this metaphor.
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I AM the Good Shepherd (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
A competent shepherd cares for his sheep, but the Good Shepherd cares enough to lay down His life for His flock. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he looks deeper into the difference between a shepherd and the Good Shepherd.
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I AM the Good Shepherd (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Jesus never refers to Himself as a priest or a preacher; not once does He say He is a clergyman, bishop, or elder. But why would He identify Himself as a lowly shepherd? In this message, we look to the book of John to discover exactly what He means.
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I AM the Door (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
The comforts of home would be meaningless if there were no way inside. You need a door to access the joys available to you. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explains why it's fitting that Jesus says He is our door to peace.
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I AM the Door (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
From the door of Noah's ark to the Passover door, the Bible places a lot of importance on doors, doorways, and gates. And perhaps the most important reference is to Jesus Himself, when He says "I am the door." Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he takes a closer look at this metaphor.
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I AM the Light of the World (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Jesus called Himself the Light of the World, and that light didn’t vanish when He ascended into heaven! In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explains our role in reflecting the light of Jesus.
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The I AM Statements of Jesus
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When Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” the answers were all wrong. So He revealed exactly who He is, and His answer is recorded in the Gospel of John through a series of seven statements, all of them starting with the powerful declaration: I AM.
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I AM the Light of the World (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
It is against a backdrop of darkness that Jesus proclaims, "I am the light of the world." In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the contrast of this world's prevailing darkness against Christ's purity, brightness, and message of hope.
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I AM the Bread of Life (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life, a metaphor most believers are familiar with. But how are we to "eat" this Bread? Dr. David Jeremiah explains more.
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I AM the Bread of Life (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Every culture has relied on the nourishment of bread. Jesus certainly knew that. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he explains how Christ used bread to help His followers know Him better.
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I AM (Pt. 2)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
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Jesus described Himself using seven metaphors to help us understand who He is. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines these word-pictures and how they outline Christ's unique essence and what He means to us. These definitive statements describe the Lord's past, present, and future—all at once and forever, He is I AM!
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I AM (Pt. 1)
The I AM Statements of Jesus
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When Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” the answers were all wrong. So He revealed exactly who He is, and His answer is recorded in the Gospel of John through a series of seven statements, all of them starting with the powerful declaration: I AM.
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What Is Faith?
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
How would you define “faith”? It’s a word that has been so misused and overused, its meaning can be hard to pin down. Dr. David Jeremiah goes straight to the source for understanding faith, Hebrews 11, where the true meaning of faith is beautifully revealed.
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What Is the Greatest Commandment? (Pt. 2)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
Jesus said that we are to love both vertically and horizontally by loving God and our neighbor. How are you doing in each direction? Dr. David Jeremiah examines the horizontal aspect of love – a love so unique, it has its own name.
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What Is the Greatest Commandment? (Pt. 1)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
Hundreds of Old Testament commandments were summarized within what we call the Ten Commandments. But which one is the most important? Today, Dr. David Jeremiah considers how Christ summarized the commandments into just one, which He said was the most important.
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What Is Faith? (Pt. 2)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
If you’re a believer, you know how fulfilled you feel when you’re living each day by faith. But faith is much more than just a feeling. Today, Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at faith and the power and purpose it can bring to your Christian walk.
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What Is Faith? (Pt. 1)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
How would you define “faith”? It’s a word that has been so misused and overused, its meaning can be hard to pin down. Dr. David Jeremiah goes straight to the source for understanding faith, Hebrews 11, where the true meaning of faith is beautifully revealed.
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Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive? (Pt. 2)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
God’s Word says there is an unforgivable sin, but there is also a great deal of misunderstanding about it – even among Christians. Today, Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on this sin, clarifying what it is and what it isn’t. If you’re worried that you might have already committed it, you’ll find relief.
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Why Don't My Prayers Get Answered?
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
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It’s one of the great mysteries of the Christian life: why does God appear to answer some prayers and not others? Dr. David Jeremiah seeks to bring understanding to the often-misunderstood concept of prayer. Is God not answering, or are we not listening?
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Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive? (Pt. 1)
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking
Have you done something that seems so awful, you wonder if God can possibly forgive you? That’s a heavy burden to bear, but there is hope. Today, Dr. David Jeremiah offers assurance and comfort from the Bible on the amazing size and scope of God’s forgiveness.
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I AM the True Vine
The I AM Statements of Jesus
Have you ever been discouraged about your faith? Has your pursuit to lead a faithful Christian life ever felt too complex to be possible? Follow along as Dr. David Jeremiah describes Jesus as the True Vine, the root of all fruitfulness and joy.
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Mary Magdalene
People Who Met Jesus
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People who receive a gift respond in different ways. Some act as if they deserved it, while others live in awe from then on that they were graced with such a treasure. The Christian’s estimate of the value of the gift of salvation is measured by the level of gratitude in the response.
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Zacchaeus (Pt. 1)
People Who Met Jesus
Zacchaeus is a great example of when a serious sinner becomes a serious saint. When our intensity gets channeled away from fleshly desires and toward doing Kingdom work, Jesus can do amazing things through us!
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Zacchaeus (Pt. 2)
People Who Met Jesus
He inspired a children’s Sunday School song, but the story of Zacchaeus speaks to adults as well. Join Dr. David Jeremiah is he reveals why Jesus embraced society's lowest members.
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Eight Spiritual Blessings (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Wealth, power and prestige will never fulfill you. If you’re a Christian, all you need is what you already have! In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah walks through the opening verses of the book of Ephesians and reminds us of our true wealth, which we have in Jesus Christ. Covers Ephesians 1:1-14.
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