Right Now
At this very moment, we could see the Lord return and hear the trumpet blast.
This Could Be the Day!
We know what God has said about the End Times, and it gives us hope—a light at the end of the tunnel. But today, we must also be the light in the tunnel. Many are lost and afraid of the future. They sense what the pages of prophecy reveal:
Time is running out.
Like never before, we have a sacred trust to offer hope and reach the lost. The world needs Jesus, and the saints need to be equipped with prophetic answers straight from Scripture.
This Could Be the Day! might be the most significant outreach we have ever launched.
I wish you could sit down with my team and see the letters, emails, and messages flooding in—the dramatic increase in people coming to us with questions about Bible prophecy in particular, hungry with a desire to know more.
People are paying attention now. Some prophetic events that once seemed implausible now feel incredibly imminent. Like Jesus could come back at any moment, like the trumpet could sound any day...
I know many will be wondering:
Why Now?
Because current events and experiences unfolding in our time have created an unprecedented hunger for hope...and an unrivaled opportunity to provide it by connecting people with Christ.
This is a clear and pressing need we MUST meet. And fast...because Christ could return any day now.
Why This?
Because prophecy is without question the most-responded-to topic here at Turning Point and allows us to reach more people for Christ than anything else we teach.
And Signs, in particular, is the perfect panorama of Bible prophecy that will bring everyone up to speed—providing a refresher course for seasoned friends like you, a primer to the many new faces who’ve joined our audience just recently, and an open door for many more to walk through and meet Jesus.
Why Not?
This is an opportunity to influence the countless multitudes—not only now, but perhaps even after the Rapture. Our goal is to reach millions more people over the course of this campaign. But I cannot do this alone.
I need your help.
So I’m asking—humbly yet boldly, because the time is short—

Will you partner with me in seizing this enormous opportunity for evangelism—on radio, on television, on the Internet, on social media, and more?
Will you join me in taking part in what the Lord is doing to “draw all people” to Himself (John 12:32)?
Please, say “YES!” and give a special God-inspired gift today to help launch our This Could Be the Day outreach campaign.Your gifts today will reach countless numbers of souls for Christ.
Please accept my generous gift of support:
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