How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

And 9 Other Questions Christians Are Asking

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Book

Have you ever wondered if there is truly only one way to God? Curious as to why so many Christians have problems?

Turn your question marks into exclamation points of praise!

God has the answers to the questions you—and your loved ones—are asking. Through this thoughtful examination of the Word of God on ten of the biggest questions believers face, Dr. Jeremiah reveals each biblical answer with clarity and assurance.

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Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Book

Find Satisfying Solutions in God’s Word

Let God Turn Your Question Marks Into Exclamation Points

Having questions does not mean you have a lack of faith. Throughout His ministry, Jesus asked and answered many questions. By studying our Lord’s use of questions, we see how His wisdom intersected with human need. When there are question marks in our minds and spirits, we need the truth and promises of Scripture. God’s Word contains the answers we seek!

Dr. Jeremiah created the Ten Questions Christians Are Asking resources to address ten topics that concern many Christians today. When your soul finds satisfaction in the Bible’s answers, your questions will transform into resounding praise!

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Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Book

Do You Ever Wonder…

How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

How Can I Overcome Temptation?

How Can I Get Victory Over Worry?

How Can I Find Forgiveness?

Is There Only One Way to God?

Why Do Christians Have So Many Problems?

Why Don’t My Prayers Get Answered?

Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive?

What Is Faith?

What Is the Greatest Commandment?

You should be confident of your answers to these important questions!

David Jeremiah’s Ten Questions Christians Are Asking resources will help you face everyday challenges by bringing you practical, real-life answers from the heart of God’s Word.

Discover the answers to even more questions

Dr. David Jeremiah

Throughout my years of ministry, I feel closest to people’s needs when I’m dealing with their most heartfelt questions. Where there are question marks in our minds and spirits, we need the truths and promises of Scripture.

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Resources

Available with your gift in support of our ongoing ministry:

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Book

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking Book

With Your Gift of Any Amount

  • Ten Questions Christians Are Asking hardcover book (256 pages)
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Ten Questions Study Set

Ten Questions Study Set

With Your Gift of $50 or More

  • Ten Questions Christians Are Asking hardcover book (256 pages)
  • Ten Questions Christians Are Asking message series on DVD or audio CD (10 messages)
  • God Turned My Questions Into Exclamation Points bookmark
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Share Pack

Share Pack

With Your Gift of $100 or More

  • Four copies of David Jeremiah’s Ten Questions Christians Are Asking hardcover book (256 pages)
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