Read: A Moment with God on Route 66
Today's Inspirational Reading:

God’s Guide

In the pagan city of Corinth, new Christians struggled to learn how to follow Christ. For example, was it acceptable to buy meat in the marketplace that had been offered as a sacrifice to idols? Was that a sin?

The apostle Paul’s answer was that the origin of the food didn’t matter. But he gave them a guideline to use in that situation and in every area of life: “Therefore,” Paul wrote, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). That is a guide for life for the Christian. Each day let us ask ourselves: Is God being glorified in what I choose to do?

Follow God on the road to new life. Discover His guide for living . . . on Route 66.