The Makeup Called Radiance

Wednesday, February 26

They looked to Him and were radiant.
Psalm 34:5

One Sunday the powerful Scottish preacher, Alexander Maclaren, spotted a well-known skeptic in the audience. The man attended several Sundays and made a profession to receive Christ as his Savior. Maclaren asked which message had brought the man to that decision. “Your sermons, sir, were helpful,” replied the man, “but they were not what finally persuaded me to become a Christian. A few weeks ago as I was leaving church, I noticed an elderly lady with a radiant face. Because she was making her way with difficulty along the icy street, I offered to help her. As we walked along together, she looked up at me and said, ‘I wonder if you know my Savior, Jesus Christ? He is everything in the world to me. I want you to love Him, too.’ Those few words touched my heart, and when I got home, I knelt down and received the Savior.”

Even those in the grip of sin and frailty can recognize a true believer in Jesus Christ. When they see the joy of Christ in our life, it becomes a convicting moment. There’s a sermon in the holy smiles of God’s faithful people.

If you go about doing good, speaking love and truth, radiant with His Spirit, they will be reading in you the Gospel after all.
Vance Havner

Read-Thru-the-Bible: Deuteronomy 16 – 18